Can Dental Implants Replace All of My Teeth?
In this video, Dr. John Coolican, an experienced Wilkes-Barre implant dentist, explains how we utilize dental implants for a full mouth restoration that will last you a lifetime.
This is a really common question. I get at many dental implants. Oftentimes I’ll see a patient that’s been wearing a denture for years and they’re very unhappy with the fit and the looseness of wearing that. And what I can do is oftentimes evaluate the area, get the appropriate diagnostic tools, and work you up for what’s called the roundhouse, which is a customer favorite procedure. It’s a way of placing multiple implants and permanent porcelain zirconia teeth that go in as permanent teeth which are cemented so you feel like you have your own natural teeth again, that you clean and waterpik. Call me to see if you’re a candidate for the roundhouse.