Are There Alternatives to Dentures?
In this video, Dr. John Coolican, an experienced Wilkes-Barre implant dentist, explains the variety of options we offer to replace your traditional cumbersome denture with implant-retained artificial teeth.
I’m Dr. Coolican for Mint Mini Dental Implants. If you’ve been experiencing issues with your dentures not fitting properly to the point where they won’t stay in your mouth, I have a solution for you. We offer mini dental implants which involve placing four to six implants in the front part of either jaw. These implants allow your denture to securely snap in, ensuring a stable fit.
Say goodbye to embarrassing moments like your denture falling out when you sneeze, or discomfort when eating with loved ones. Mini dental implants may be the ideal treatment for you. There are two removable options available. I also have potential options from dentures called the Cemented Roundhouse. I love this procedure for my patients.
This is the best service I can potentially offer you. If you currently wear dentures or have severely damaged or missing teeth, then the roundhouse may be the best option for you. The roundhouse is a permanent nonremovable option that involves placing dental implants and beautiful zirconia teeth, giving you new teeth that you can brush and clean, just like natural teeth. If you’re tired of wearing dentures and want a long term solution, the implant roundhouse could be suitable. Even if you only have a few teeth in poor condition, I can remove them, place implants, and provide permanent teeth in as little as a single visit.
This procedure is highly appreciated by our customers. Contact me for your free consultation and I’ll show you what I can do for you.