Are Implant Dentures Permanent?
In this video, Dr. John Coolican, an experienced Wilkes-Barre implant dentist, explains the option of having either permanent, removable, or semi-removable dentures retained with dental implants.
I’m often asked if implant dentures are permanent. A dental implant denture is a removable prosthesis. It’s something that is taken out once or twice a day, generally. Your implants are brushed and then you snap it back into place. The alternative option is a permanent option that is called the Roundhouse. The roundhouse is a permanent way of putting teeth back in the mouth that you clean and take care of with the toothbrush in your mouth and do not require removal. So if you’d like to see what we can do for you, please call us at Mint Mini Dental Implants. Set up your free complimentary consultation and let me see what I can do for.